Elfrida festo
Elfriden festival
Summer pasture cabins of Lövberget, Dala-Floda,
one week after midsummer
Song, play and tall story meeting
Picture: Neck plays for the vittra. Painting by Bror Eric, Bjuråker.
Elfriden happens in the here and now.
Elfriden is the non-electric festival. Elfriden liberates you from the gadgets that steal your attention. Elfriden means ban on ALL kinds of
electric and electronic devices, with the exception of your own pacemaker, a soundless (non peeping) hearing aid and vehicle key.
Banned electronic devices include, inter alia: loudspeakers,
electric basses, microphones, tape recorders, radios, CD players,
MP3 players, cameras, railcars, video recorders, telephones,
pagers, flashlights, photographic flashes, quartz watches, lamps, computers, GPS equipment and batteries.
Saeter week
Please refer to Swedish or Esperanto version of this page for dates and details
Music Festivals
Bingsjö: http://www.folkmusikenshus.se/bingsjo/ Clip Clip ClipBjuråker: http://www.hembygd.se/bjuraker/ Film
Boda: http://www.rattvik.se/spelmansstammor Clip
Delsbo: http://www.delsbostamman.nu/ Clip
Norrbo: http://www.hembygd.se/norrbo/ Filmo
Nås: http://www.tobaksspinnarstamman.se Clip Clip
Siljan: http://www.musikvidsiljan.se/ Pics with music from Rättvik
Svabensverk: http://www.folkodans.se/ Clip
Östbjörka: http://www.ostbjorkabystugeforening.se/spelmansstamman Pics